Proud to be a Northumbrian..

Should I or shouldn't I ? starting a blog seemed to be a difficult decison. As a people person its difficult not to want to yak to the world, But as some one who guards their privacy, Do I really want eveyone to know my thoughts ? Typical Gemini Up-Down, Yes-No, Each day for the stereotypical Gemini is invariably filled with decision making shall I shan't I? oh god our heads buzz with it. One thing I have no battle with is the place where I live. Northumberland, I have lived here all of my life and whilst many of my friends have spread their wings and flown to pastures new I have had no such desire. Encircled by family and long standing friends, Surrounded by the beautiful Northumbrian countryside I feel lucky... I want to clear one thing up straight away, anyone reading this from any where that is not classed as up North!! We in Northumberland are not Geordies, and whilst I have the utmost respect for my fellow Northerners, Northumberland has its own traditions, crafts and way of life.

Rolling Hills of Northumberland

Rolling Hills of Northumberland
Pity about the Electricity cable

Errington Reay Pottery

Errington Reay Pottery
The Village pottery, The last pottery in Enland licensed to salt glaze pots.
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Whats in a name?

Our Lovely Brown Hens Have Arrived
The Ladies are now settling in nicely, having arrived at their new home on Friday 13th June 08 ( not a good date to do anything with any risk involved) but so far so good. This is the third time we have had hens but this time is different. Before we have always had lots of other animals yep done the whole pet thing to extreme rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, horses, cats,dogs we have had the lot but after all these years we found ourselves petless.They were barred in their lovely new house for three days, they managed to survive the constant raising of their roof, and people clucking at them like new born babies. My brother brought us back to reality with a once you've seen one brown hen (enough said). A couple of nights of chasing them around the paddock and teaching them to walk the plank, then hey presto third night they put themselves to bed. Result, trained hens already. Nope not that easy now we have to chase them out of the garden and keep them out of the property next door.

The Corrie Girls

The Corrie Girls
Our charming brown hens.

The Little Hen Coup

The Little Hen Coup
They love their little pad...

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Hi I'm Back and Guess What I have Joined

Hello that's if there's anyone out there? I am back after taking time out from my blog . Blogging is much more a winter pursuit, hobby, obsession ? I have recently joined a creative writing class its run by a glorious lady called Sylvia who hands out inspiration and encouragement in abundance its marvellous we all think we are going to be the next JK Rowling's ah a girl can dream.. We huff and puff when the lovely Sylvia gives us our work for the day, it may be a poem or a short story who knows? you sit there twiddling your thumbs and twirling your pencil, looking at the blank page before you praying inspiration will spill forth and surprise surprise it usually does. I marvel at what appears on the page in front of me. I really do surprise myself , what I really love though is hearing all the other stories and poems we are given the same brief but the stories end up so different. We all dread the moment when we read out our latest piece to the rest of the class but its nice to get the feed back and reactions from the rest of the group... I am really enjoying myself and hopefully growing in confidence and ability mmmh only time will tell.

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